Offering Effective Outreach to Mothers with Substance Use Disorders and Their Children
The Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) is a research-based, nationally recognized intensive case management home visitation program for pregnant and parenting women experiencing substance use disorders.
PCAP’s primary aims are to assist mothers in obtaining alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment; to help assure that children are in safe, stable home environments and receiving appropriate health care; to link mothers to community resources that will help them build and maintain healthy, independent family lives; and to prevent future births of children exposed prenatally to alcohol and drugs.
After 3 years of work with a PCAP case manager:
- 92% of clients had completed alcohol/drug treatment programs
- 76% were abstinent from alcohol/drugs for > 6 months during the program
- 68% were using family planning methods on a regular basis
- 80% of children were living with their own families
- 68% were in permanent, stable housing
What PCAP Does
Pregnant and parenting women are enrolled in PCAP for 3 years. PCAP forms partnerships with clients and families and community service providers.
- PCAP offers 3 years of case management at no cost to eligible clients.
- PCAP provides clients with outreach and engagement, structured goal setting, problem-solving, practical assistance, and consistent coaching.
- PCAP seeks to help community service providers understand how to work more effectively with this population and works to ensure that clients and families receive needed services.
- Clients are not asked to leave the program for relapse or if they experience setbacks.
What PCAP Participants Say
“PCAP was there to encourage me in making all the right choices for my son, setting goals I knew I could achieve and helping me succeed. Without their support I wouldn’t be where I am today. I have my own apartment, a car, a job, my son, a relationship with my daughter. I have 4 years off meth, 2 years off alcohol and 2 years off weed. Trust me, my PCAP worker showed me tough love. Thank you PCAP for giving me hope.”
“Before PCAP, I never thought about goals. They showed me the right direction. They showed me that I am responsible. That no matter who I am or what I do, I am somebody. It is never too late.”
PCAP Eligibility Criteria
Women are eligible for PCAP if they:
- Used alcohol/drugs heavily, or took Methadone or Suboxone as prescribed during pregnancy
- Are pregnant or up to 24 months postpartum
- Are ineffectively connected to community services
Women may also be eligible for PCAP if they:
- Have a child diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Are currently using alcohol/drugs, and are in their childbearing years
Pierce County PCAP: Evergreen Recovery Centers PCAP – Call (253) 475-0623
King County PCAP: Evergreen Recovery Centers PCAP – Call (206) 739-5466
Or email [email protected]
For a quick overview of PCAP outcome data, see our PCAP Brochure.